Friday, July 01, 2005

Waiting for the tar to dry... no feathers, please

Yesterday, I was able to seal coat the back wall of the house. The moisture in the air (humidity) has been so high lately, that it hasn't dried yet. I would like to coat it again to be extra secure in the waterproof status of this wall. We are due some rain today and that may cause big problems since I have a 7' deep hole...

Not a whole lot going on today. I go back to work after 4 days away. I won't say days off, since I worked my butt off around here just about every one of those days. Got some good bonding time with my oldest son, though. That will yield dividends for the rest of the family. He seems a good bit more content now.

My oldest daughter has been crashing here on the couch for a few days this week. For the most part, she has been quiet and things have gone well, but yesterday she got mouthy and I had to ask her not to use a certain type of language in my house (not profane, but offensive). She did have a legitimate beef with a sibling, but wasn't handling it well. She ended up mad at me because I confronted her about the language and (in her view) didn't take care of the issue with the sibling. What she didn't know was that I took care of the sibling in private which is the way I prefer to handle it. That has always been an issue with her. She doesn't think the others get disciplined and punished since she doesn't see it. She ends up getting in trouble in front of the others since she is so confrontational and won't allow us to deal with it in private.

Pray for her. She really needs to learn these lessons before she will be able to move on and mature in her life. She left last night in a huff without talking to her mom or me about anything. Not exactly the best way to deal with issues.

Hope all my readers (I think I have 5 now!) are enjoying their summer! Unfortunately for the 365 day crowd, the only thing that really changes is the outside temperature... Teachers and students on the other hand - enjoy the break!


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