Saturday, June 25, 2005

Too much on the calender!

I mentioned that I was going to take my second son to dinner tonight. Funny thing is he is on a camping trip with a neighbor family this weekend. What I was supposed to remember was that my 4th son had his All-Star game tonight. Glad my wife reminded me! He played well, but his team lost the game. Final score: 38-20. Not a lot of defense at this level. Fun to watch, though!

When I was leaving for work this morning , I found that someone had poured some liquid on my car. I don't know what it was, or who, but I suspect that our mentally unstable neighbor is up to his old tricks again. He sometimes doesn't take his meds and then does strange things. So far not really anything destructive. Just really annoying. Last night, we noticed a couple of extra "support our troops" magnets on our van. Apparently, he went collecting them (again) and has redistributed them throughout the area. This isn't the first time. Most of the neighborhood has called the police on him as some time or other. It doesn't seem to make any difference, and the state of the mental health institutions is such that it is very hard for anyone to be committed. This guy needs help before someone looses it on him. I'm pretty fed up too. Pray for me and him.

I'll try to remember to get out to dinner with my 4th daughter tomorrow night. She is a lot of fun to have all to myself. She loves the attention and is (still) one of my affectionate ones. I can count on hugs from her!

Emily, if you can get out here, I'd love to take you to a Drum Corps show! I don't guess there are many in your neck of the woods, although I believe there is a Corps from Seattle - The Cascades If you look under the "this season" tab, you will see their 2005 schedule. There are a couple of Washington shows, and some in Oregon. I'll see them in Allentown, PA on August 6th.

Well... past time for bed. I have been a little ill the last couple of days. Not enough sleep and poor diet choices are taking their toll. Working tomorrow all day. I'll just have to have a little one on one church. That's what I really need anyway. A little quiet time would do me a lot of good.

Thanks for reading!


Blogger Slicer said...

Believe it or not, that is a baseball score! Like I said, there was very little defense.

June 26, 2005 9:37 PM  
Blogger Emily said...

Smile - I had friends in the Cascades. :) FUN times!

June 27, 2005 10:16 PM  

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