Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Life Goes On

I found out a couple of days ago that a dear friend's husband died. He had been struggling with Alzheimers and was in a home for the last few years. While is it sad that he has died, it is also a blessing for the family to know that he is now with the Lord and no longer suffering at all. This friend (the wife and mother) is one of the sweetest ladies I've ever known. I was in youth group with one of her daughters back in high school. I have lost touch with the kids, but still see the mom occasionally. She calls me to take care of her electrical needs and sometimes other things as well. The funeral is tomorrow and I will be able to go since I'm working nights. It will be good to see all the siblings again, even thought the circumstances are not the best.

I continue to work between 60 and 70 hours a week. The overtime is good for paying the bills and preparing to purchase my midlife car, but I think the kids are starting to miss me. Baseball (and softball) season is starting soon and I need to be available to take them and cheer them on. I really want to do that. I love watching them play! The kids are on 3 different teams and play at two different sites, so it will be a coordinating nightmare and I need to be available to take the pressure off my wife. Then there is the older daughter who will be needing rides to the barn for lessons and competitions. Just one more wrench in the works. She will not be able to drive alone this summer, so that doesn't help us much. Next year...

The outlaws are visiting for a few days. They came up on Friday night and will be staying until Thursday. Willie's brother isn't doing well and they are staying here and going to NJ to visit with him in the hospital. For the most part the visit is tolerable. They tend to be creatures of habit and like to do the same things here that they do at home - watch old movies, spend time on the computer, eat, sleep and read. Not the best combination for the grandkids to see, but tolerable like I said. I worked Saturday, Sunday and will be working Tuesday thru Thursday, so I am out of the house most of the time, anyway. The visit is truly a reminder to me that I don't want to become any more sedentary than I already am. I really need to make sure I get more fit and active so that my health isn't such an issue as I age.

Well, that's about all I have time for today. Gotta get some things done around the house before work tonight. Hope to see my wife for a few minutes before I go in to work. She is off cleaning someone elses house for pay. I wish she was able to do a little more around here. I know it's tough with the little ones pulling stuff out all the time, but we can always put the stuff away so they don't have so much to pull out...

Anyway, a little more surfing and then I'll get ready for work.
Until next time, life goes on.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

At work again

It's been a while since I posted. I'm not really much of a blogger, I guess. That, or there's really not a lot I choose to write about.
I finished my taxes and will receive a decent refund due to the child tax credit. I still don't really get how that works. Why do I get more back than I put in? I owe state taxes, though. I plan to put most of the refund into trust for the kids since it is coming because of them. I'll use a little bit toward my midlife crisis car purchase. I still don't know what I should get. I've been looking at the Solstice so long, but have heard that there are some problems in the build. It's still a sweet looking car, though.

I've also been looking at the new Ford Mustang GT.
And then there's the Honda S2000 that's been on my mind.

Links aren't working for some reason... look them up yourself!

What choice to make?! I really have the bug bad these days. I'm hoping I can hold out a little longer so that I have more cash up front. We'll see. Insurance for any of these babies is gonna be a killer, too.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Time to do taxes

Well, it is finally time for me to do my taxes. I am off work starting Monday for a few days and need to take advantage of the kids being in school and me not having any work scheduled. The refund is more than worth the effort, it's just a pain to sit here for the hours that it takes to get them done. I'm really more of a flat tax person. I mean, if we're gonna have a tax system to run the country, we really ought to stream line everything and get rid of all the junk. Make it easy and fair for everyone. I know that's a huge pipe dream, but maybe someday...

Gotta search for another insurance company this week as well. After 20 years with one carrier with minimal claims, I am looking for someone else. The reason is a denial of a claim by an adjuster who treated me extremely poorly. I am sorry to do this to my agent, but I feel I must draw the line somewhere and poor service to a long time customer is unacceptable. Three auto policies (soon to be four), one home owner's policy and one 3/4 million dollar business policy lost to State Farm because of this guy.

Hope to get some time playing with the kids this next week as well. My work schedule is so screwy that it seems like I'm always working when they are home lately. Retirement sure looks good to me.