Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Impact of 9-11

Yesterday marked the 6th anniversary of the attacks on the United States. I didn't watch any of the coverage (except what happened to be on the break room tv before I switched the channel). What does this say about me? Am I insensitive? Why don't I feel the need to join in the mourning and renew my outrage at what happened?

Maybe this is a reflection of a hardened heart. I don't know.
I have been more callous lately toward most everyone. It's not something I'm proud of at all. I want to care about people, but I can't seem to get up the energy to do it. All I seem to do is work, sleep and eat.

The death toll from 9-11 will grow by thousands more over the next few years due to toxins that were released into the air by the buildings collapsing. Aspestos and other carcinogenic substances will cause more and more deaths. Even to those who weren't in Manhattan at the time of the collapse. The wind carried debris for miles and folks breathed it all in. Each state that sent relief workers will see the increase in folks suffering.

The line for lawsuits forms at the Statue of Liberty...


Blogger Emily said...

Wow, for some reason... I just never thought of that. The impact of what happened that day will be affecting us, health-wise, for YEARS.

I, too, had a day like yours, though. I went to our safety fair at work. that's it. I remember and I DO mourn. but it's more of an every day type of awareness, than one day of remembered outrage.

September 19, 2007 10:11 AM  

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