Monday, August 13, 2007

Tough Weekend

Dropped our daughter off for college this past weekend.

Emotions were high as we left on the trip. We took one other daughter with us and that was all we could fit in the van! LOL! Not really, but she did take a LOT of stuff with her.

Suffice it to say that despite the disagreements that the kids have had over the years, they will all miss her. The younger ones are already asking when she will come home.

Our oldest came by to see her off as well. They have really grown close over the last couple of years and there were many tears shed as they said goodbye. I'm glad to see that. Close siblings has always been preached in our house. I'm grateful that the Lord has touched them in this way.

10 1/2 hours of driving and we were there. Time to unload and help her set up her room. The University had arranged to have student helpers there to assist. They were great and took most of the load in for us. More schools should do this for the incoming freshmen. Really helps them settle and say goodbye to the folks easier.

We moved the furniture around about 6 times until an arrangement was finally settled on. Hope they keep it for a little while. Fridge and microwave plugged in and going. Computer set up... need to buy a wifi card (add to the list). Forgot the mouse (add to list). Where's the surge/plug strip? (add to list)

We took a trip to the local Circuit City and the Office Depot and got the remaining items on the list. Then back to the dorm for an ice cream social with the parents support group.

Time for us to get ready to leave. Lots of pictures and hugs. Surprisingly no tears. And we were off on the trip home. That trip took us closer to 16 hours due to driver fatigue, but we got home safe and sound.

Wonder how her first day of college is going? Maybe I'll give her a call in a little while.


Blogger September said...

I read all your recent posts, but am just commenting on this one.

I remember well when my daughter moved out. She's my middle child, but was the first to leave home. We drove her 7 hours from here, and spent a couple of days there. Leaving her was sooo hard for me -- and I know it was for her, too, even though she was excited at the same time. We both did our best to hold back the tears, and it wasn't till I got back home that night that I cried buckets... lol.

I did better when Sheldon recently moved an hour away. It was different, and he's home almost every weekend. (I still cried, after he drove away. :P )

I always said that with all the traveling and moving that Chantelle did, she was only preparing me for the time when she'd take off across the world. ;-)

I'm sure your daughter will do great.

*Hugs* and prayers for you, Matt, as you work on losing the weight and getting into better shape. :-)

August 16, 2007 7:01 PM  

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