Thursday, August 16, 2007

Getting Better

edit: It appears that "stupid blogger" has caught up and posted all three of my attempts finally. They mostly say the same thing, but differently. I think I'll leave them all up since it shows how important this has become to me. Forgive the redundancy.

I have been getting emails concerning my friend, Tom's progress after his bypass surgery. Everything is going well. He is sitting up, eating (mostly jello), drinking and having conversations with family and friends. I'm so grateful for the Lord's protection and care for Tom. I pray also that the seeds of a faithful witness that were planted prior to the surgery will take root and bring him to faith in Jesus Christ.

During this time of waiting and praying, I have been considering my health (or lack thereof). I definitely need to get myself going in this area.

I will be seeing Tom in November when we are having an Auburn band alumni reunion. I have set a goal of losing one pound a week until that reunion. 12 pounds will put me well on my way to better health, and that can be part of the legacy of Tom's bypass surgery.

Pray for me, my friends. I've maintained the same weight (within a couple of pounds) for close to 5 years. I will need to increase my exercise and reduce my food intake. Neither of these items are options I look forward to, but I know it must be done if I want to live a long healthy life.


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