Sunday, April 15, 2007

Long Trip!

Just got back from a trip I took with my daughter. We drove down to North Carolina to visit St. Andrew's Presbyterian College and South Carolina to visit Anderson University (a Baptist school). Her choices, not mine. I fully support her staying in a Christian setting for a few more years. It's not sheltering, it's nurturing. She will be independant and responsible for her choices the same as if she was in any other school. Besides, like I said. They are her choices. She's been accepted at both with academic scholarship money from both.

It was a good trip! Lots of driving (about 1500 miles), but I think the time with her was more than worth the expense. She has made a decision on which school and successfully completed a tryout for an activity she wanted to participate in.

I'm excited for her! Now to find the way to finance the remaining tuition and expenses for this private school...


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