Sunday, July 31, 2005

Finally Recovered

As the saying goes: "I need a vacation to recover from my vacation!"

It has taken me a few days to get back to (almost) normal. I do believe a great time was had by all at Knoebels. The waterslides were fantastic! Even the "big kids" had fun on them. The weather was perfect for the first day at the pool. This park is absolutely my favorite as far as family friendly goes. I've been to a few different parks, but none comes close to Knoebels for the ability to allow me to relax with all my kids. I don't think I got uptight or nervous about their safety once the whole time.

The second day out, we attacked the amusement park. I'm so glad my sister (and her sons) came with us. Having her there allowed us to divide and conquer. My wife and I took the little ones to the area that was designed for them while my sister took the older ones to the big rides. This really minimized the standing around time for everyone. The weather was overcast, and we had a couple of thunderstorms pass through, but all in all, I think everyone got to ride enough to satisfy. It appears that many of my kids are rollercoaster nuts! Towards the end of the evening, they still hadn't ridden the Twister and I was concerned that there wouldn't be time and the line would be too long. Ends up, when we got there, the line was non-existant. They went 4 or 5 times in a row!

For the record, I probably rode the fewest rides ever and I'm fine with that. I go to enjoy watching the kids ride. That is my thrill. And no, I didn't ride any coasters. I leave that for my wife and kids.

We ended up the evening with ice cream cones all around. Hand dipped, two scoops in a cone(they called that a single!).

We didn't camp this time. I just didn't think it would be quite the vacation my wife and I needed if we had to mess with all that as well. Motel living was quite restful, thank you very much.

So now I'm back to work for 7 nights straight.
Then I get the weekend to go to two Drum Corps shows in Allentown. The DCI Eastern Classic. I'm really looking forward to that! I'll meet up with some old friends from my Crossmen days. My wife is only going to the show on Saturday. My sister and I are going to both Friday and Saturday's shows.

So all in all a busy week, but bookended by good, fun times.
Now where did I put that "honey-do" list...


Blogger fatchans said...

Hey Matt. Glad you had a good vacation time to catch up with everyone. The honey do list is buried somewhere in that waterproofing project you did. Go dig it up and find it.

ha ha ha.

Hey - that was supposed to be funny.

July 31, 2005 10:25 PM  
Blogger Emily said...

I'm slightly jealous. I was talking about you to one of my friends here in WA on Thursday. I told him about your corps history and that you got to see shows (just because you live in the right part of the country!). He was slightly jealous, too. We marched together in high school.

Anyway. Have fun!

August 01, 2005 12:46 AM  
Blogger Slicer said...

John, I refuse to dig that list up. That project was too much like real work. :-P

Hey Emily, I still have to travel a couple of hours to get to the regional shows. There are more shows out your way than there used to be. Don't forget about the Senior Corps circuit. They have some good shows as well.
I am blessed, though, to be close to quite a few shows.

August 01, 2005 3:57 AM  

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