Monday, January 28, 2008

Close Call!

Last night my youngest son got knocked down onto the fireplace slate and gashed the back of his scalp. He and my wife took an ambulance ride to the local children's hospital and I followed a little later. He ended up getting a CT scan and four stitches (along with a little trimmed hair). Results of the scan are normal.

He never lost conscientiousness and didn't throw up at all. There was a good bit of blood as is usual for this type of wound, but not enough to cause them to give IV fluids. We were in and out in less than 4 hours.

He was doing fine when I left this morning for work. I checked in on him and he popped up to look at who was turning on his light. Wanted to know where his stickers were that they gave him at the hospital. I told him they were on his bed and to go back to sleep.

More later.


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