Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

Hope this day is special for my readers. I know that it has been a rough year for a lot of you. I can really identify and sympathize.

I am in the midst of an 11 day stretch where I am working every day for at least 12 hours. I don't mind the work, but due to the holidays I'm not getting much sleep during the day.

I will get plenty of sleep in January, though. I will be going in on New Year's Eve at 0730 to have my surgery. The procedure will only last 15 minutes and I will be able to leave in an hour. Kind of like photo processing... ;-P I'll be off from work for three weeks following the surgery. I don't know that I'll need all that time off to recover, but I plan to take it anyway since it is what the Doctor recommends and I have the sick time. Might as well take advantage of the opportunity to be away from the workplace. Maybe I'll finally get some of the work done around the house.

I spent a couple of hours here at work fixing the go cart that I bought for the kids. It took a bit to get it running, but now it goes fast and will surely be a hit with my oldest son. It's fairly well used, but in good condition. Hopefully it won't break down for a while. It will be an opportunity for the boys to learn small engine repair since they will most likely have to fix things on it as they go. They are good kids. They asked for one that was used, knowing that it would save some money. They are willing to work on it... just want it to run when they get it. So... mission accomplished.

Can't wait to see their expressions in a few hours! My wife and I did a good job of purchasing some of the "desired" items on the kids lists. Usually we pay more attention to "needs", but we felt that this was a year for "wants".

Merry Christmas!!
Remember to take some time to reflect on the true meaning of this Holy Day. Without His coming, there would be no path to salvation.


Blogger Emily said...

I hope your Christmas was WONDERFUL! :)

December 27, 2007 11:13 PM  

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