Thursday, May 17, 2007

More Going On Than I Thought

House is still on the market. We have decided to offer $3000 in settlement help to increase the traffic. The change also gets the house back up to the top of the list.

We've had lots of folks visit, but no offers yet. The extra payments are really starting to stretch the budget. Hope it sells soon!

I bought a used car from my brother. Well... I haven't paid him yet. He is letting me pay as I am able. It's an old Lumina that his in laws had. 1990 with only 29900 miles on it. The air conditioner didn't work - no freon. That cost close to $350 to get fixed. They don't use the same refrigerant anymore due to environmental issues, so they put a retrofit kit on it for the new refrigerant (R134). Also had to get the injectors cleaned. My brother had already replaced the tires and most of the rubber hoses and belts. The only problem with the car now is a few trim pieces that are severely weathered. I'm hoping he accepts $1500 for the car.

In addition to the car, my brother brought us a dog. She just wandered into his yard in Nashville a couple of weeks ago. They haven't been able to find anyone who lost a dog. She is a mutt and seems to like the kids alright. Very timid. May have been hit some. She is gentle and loving, though. The vet estimates her to be about 4 years old. She's a runner! She's gotten loose a few times and we've had to go chasing her down. Hopefully she'll settle down and not try to get away soon. She will be well loved in our home.

We will soon have another high school graduate in our home. My second daughter will finish her high school career on June 2nd. I'm very proud of her! She wants to have a party the following Saturday. I'll have to schedule a day of vacation, but I don't mind. The house and yard are a mess, but it will shape up quickly. It's funny how they are planning the parties this year. All the seniors are trying to coordinate all of the parties so that they can attend as many of them as is possible. We will invite a few of our other friends as well. Kind of an open house combined with the graduation party.

The next weekend after that I need to get her down to the University for orientation. June will be a busy month!

I've got to make some time to play with the kids...
The years are flying by.


Blogger Emily said...

congrats on the graduation. I know it was a bittersweet time for my parents... happy to see me moving on, but sad that the time of "childhood" was over.

Sounds like life is still adventuresome for you! :)

May 25, 2007 5:52 PM  

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