Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Another Birthday

Thanks to my cyber friends for the Birthday wishes!
I appreciate that y'all remembered. I worked both the night of and the night before, so most of my day was spent sleeping and getting some lunch before work.

I haven't been too faithful in my blogging lately. Not that there is much going on aside from the usual kid stuff. Baseball and Softball seasons are kicking into high gear.

I've been sick for the last three weeks. Probably most of it is related to change of seasons and allergies. I'm getting better, though.

Work is still the same. Too many hours and little reward. I'm glad to have the job though and know that I'm fortunate that I don't have to work outside everyday like I used to.

I've been a bit down emotionally lately. I'm hoping with the coming of Spring that this condition will improve. I've also started taking a thyroid med for my underactive thyroid. Hopefully this will allow me to shed some of this excess weight and have a more optimistic outlook.

I'll try to update more often.


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