Saturday, March 08, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Me!

It's that time of year again!
Today marks the 23rd anniversary of our trip to the court house in Opelika, Alabama.
23 years of holy headlock as Steven Curtis Chapman calls it.

I gotta say that this particular anniversary will probably be totally uneventful. I will spend most of the day asleep (I'm working nights this weekend). My wife will spend most of the day at an Awana competition. We'll see each other in passing a couple of times but that's about it.

Hopefully we'll go out to dinner sometime later next week.
The reality of it is, I've got some type of bronchial mess happening and giving her a kiss today would be a bad idea. She really doesn't need to be sick. So, I'll wish her a happy anniversary by card and email and try to do a few more items on the honey do list. That will have to suffice for today.

I don't know... seems like I should put more significance on the celebration of our wedding anniversary. Sorry to say that it has become "just another day" much like most of the holidays throughout the year. Is this normal? Is this what happens to most people? I think I need to spend some time with the Lord and get some refining done. Can I get an amen?


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