Sunday, July 08, 2007

Finally found time

I haven't really had time to blog these last couple of days. I finally found a couple of minutes while I'm online paying my bills.

We had our family Fourth of July fireworks on the 3rd. It was good fun for most of the family (a couple of the kids weren't home). On the 4th we went to a fireworks show at a nearby town. That was nice too... except for the complaining from a couple of the kids who know everything and wanted to walk closer to the crowd. I had decided to stay in and around the van since it might rain and they thought we wouldn't be able to see anything. I guess I know a thing or two still... it rained and we could see the show just fine thank you very much!

Yesterday I took the whole crew (minus my second) to a Drum Corps show in Allentown, PA. We weren't actually going to the show, but we were going to picnic in the park and watch the Corps warm up and practice. We also were planning to visit with some friends from our days marching. It was nice to just relax and not feel hurried to get into the stadium. The only problem was that the other alumni didn't show up! Ends up the alumni picnic in the park was scheduled for today. :-( I thought about driving up again myself, but it just wasn't worth it to me to drive that far without the kids coming too.

So here I sit. I blew an extra day of vacation and am using it to pay bills and catch up this blog. I need to get out and cut the grass (or get the kids to). Maybe we'll have a campfire tonight...


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