Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Party's Over... Back To Work!

Well, now that the party is over with, the work that didn't get done is still needing to get done.

I was very disappointed in my daughter's classmates. Not one of her fellow Seniors came to her party. She had a few Juniors and some former graduates show up, but none from her own class. I guess I must have missed something along the way. She had plenty of friends at school, but I guess they weren't really her friends.

That didn't stop her from going to all of their parties, though!

I don't know if she was disappointed or not. She hasn't said anything about it. The time slot for her party wasn't the best on a hot day (noon to 4pm). Her mother and I busted our butts to get the place presentable while this daughter was lounging at the beach. I won't do that again. She showed no gratitude for all the work.

Anyway, at least the house is more presentable for our friends who we want to start having over more often. Still lots to be done, but at least we won't be totally embarrassed about the condition of the place.

So who wants to stop in for dinner next?


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