Sunday, January 09, 2005

Plodding Along

Well, we got through the Holidays with minimal pain. Although, I will have to work quite a few extra shifts to pay off the bills...
I felt like Scrooge most of the time, though. Where is my joy at the celebration of the Savior's birth?! Why do I have such a hard time rejoicing and enjoying Christmas? My wife think's I'm a killjoy. I just can't seem to get past the commercialism of what is supposed to be a righteous celebration. Maybe that is just a reflection of my heart lately.

I feel like a terrible father to my children. I have time to give them. At least more that I used to. But I seem to be irritated at them more often than not. They're just acting like kids. It's not their fault that I have low noise tolerance. Some of them have been acting very angry lately. I think that's my fault as well. My short fuse is setting a poor example for them.

I don't know what I need (other than a refreshing of the spirit by the One who created me). I guess that's it in a nutshell. I am spiritually dry and that has starved my soul to the point of perishing. I need a drink from the fountain of Life. Jesus, forgive me of this sin that I have confessed here on the internet. Help me to seek Your face and strive to mirror Your love to my children. I know that is the only way they will see any good in me.

I need to come here and spill more often. I must have the most boring blog out there...


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