Monday, May 02, 2005

Since I'm reading nothing from anyone else...

...except Missy on Xanga, I figured I'd give a little update.


There, that about covers it. I begin today what will be 23 twelve hour shifts in the next 31 days. Some nights, some days. Never with more than a day or two break anywhere in the month. I also have to fit in some of the items on the "honey-do" list and an occasional cutting of the yard. Not to mention ongoing household maintenance and electrical work from the business that I have pretty much put on hold.

I praise the Lord for providing for my family. He certainly has never let us down. I just wonder sometimes if all this work is more distraction put in place by satan. I know it is when the kids (in full understanding of the demands of a large household) protest that I am never home. I will try to make the most of every moment I get to be with them.

We are also in the midst of a busy baseball/softball/horse show season. Having five kids actively involved in activities that they love can really stretch the limo service. I need to hire more drivers. Looks like my 16 year old is gonna get the keys sooner than expected just so she can get where she needs to go. She has proven herself to be a consciencious driver over the last few months. I think we can release her with confidence soon. That will help some, but doesn't excuse me from attending her events.

I am also in the midst of creating more accountability in the house as far as chores and general cleanliness goes. This is a somewhat painful job since I need to work top down and everyone needs a tough review. My wife works so hard. Unfortunately, most of it is her seeing to jobs that the kids either ignore or don't do well enough. Time to shake things up! I will probably step on a few toes, but the extra (fun) activities are gonna stop until these kids start contributing more. I've got to make sure my wife knows that she is not to do the work, just supervise and see that it is done by the kids. Often it is just easier for her to do the work herself, but that is not teaching the kids the lessons I want them to learn. So pray that I will use grace in my dealings with everyone so that I may be a reflection of Christ rather than a dictator.

Is that enough of an update for now? Well, it's all I have time for anyway.

Grace and Peace.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sound busy man! I will pray for your sanity!

May 05, 2005 2:35 PM  

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