Monday, April 25, 2005

In the thick of it.

Today is the middle of a long run of shifts. I get fatigued easily when I work on day shift. There are so many issues and so much drama when everyone is in the building. Night shift, in contrast, is so peaceful. Still... at least my job doesn't involve daily exposure to potential chemical hazards (Hi John!).

Still no progress on the generator repairs. That means more doubling up on shifts, which means more overtime. This is both good and bad. I will be able to reach my goal of 300 hours of additional overtime faster at this rate, but I may miss some of the kids baseball and softball games.I should have close to 250 of the 300 hours by May 22nd. At this rate, I'll end up with closer to 500 hours by years end.

So much to do at home. The honey-do list isn't getting shorter. Newest development... the bathroom toilet is leaking under the floor and the water is coming into the kitchen. Isn't home ownership grand!? :-P I will have the plumber pull the toilet, caulk the drain and replace the wax ring, and put the throne back in place. Should cost about an arm...

Signed a committment for getting the driveway replaced. Byebye $6800! It really needs to be done. I just don't know why it has to cost so much. Just got done paying for all the windows to be replaced. New ones look great and function beautifully. That was another $6800. Next up is getting a quote for the deck and shed. I need to have a new shed built for the kids bikes and outside toys. That way, when the Solstice comes in, I can park it in the garage and not worry about the kids scratching it with their bikes. It will also prevent me having to yell at them when they are just being uncoordinated kids. Win win if you asked me (except for the expense of the shed).

Gotta remind myself to give the wife some extra help with her work load this week. I know that her list is long and not getting any shorter either. Must make the extra effort to compliment her on her accomplishments and successes. She works so hard and gets so little in return from the kids in the way of appreciation. Guess I should be training them better in that too.

The Bible sits gathering dust on the shelf. Gotta get some nourishment or I'll surely dry up and die this week. Pray for me...


Blogger fatchans said...

Hey Matt - I'll be praying. Wish I were able to help out more. Give a shout to the mens ministry group. It never hurts to send up an SOS once in awhile. I'm learning that too. I've never been involved with a mens prayer group and I hear it beckoning to me because I know I sure need it!

April 25, 2005 10:03 PM  

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