Saturday, August 30, 2008

92.5 Hours!

Yep! That's what my time sheet says for this week...

Believe it or not, I've got close to 100 extra hours for this month so far.
I know, I know... I said I was going to cut back.

But the start of the school year brings all kinds of extra expenses. Cleats for three, athletic cups, socks, gloves, shirts and shorts for practice and thats just the beginning. Then there is gas to travel to all the games and practices, food on the road, booster fees, etc. Don't forget all the school supplies that schools are requiring parents to buy these days. I don't know about you, but I NEVER used 20 pencils in one year. The amount of stuff these teachers are asking for per pupil is outrageous. I think I'm going to make the purchases and keep the stuff under my control.

So. It's kind of hard to turn down the work with all the extra expenses. I'm tired, but not exhausted. I know that what I'm doing is enabling my wife to stay at home with the kids. I will not have had the time with them as little kids that I wish, but when you have a big family, expenses are big as well. I have taken time with each of them over the years. I plan to continue with one on one days, one on three days, one on ten days... you get the point.

As it stands now, I will need to work an additional 200 hours extra through the rest of the year to make our budget plus a few extras. I have two trips I want to take in November that I need to raise extra money for. One is a football game at Auburn. I'll be going with my sister and her two boys and plan to take two of my boys as well. The other trip is to Nashville for the Shaohannah's Hope fundraiser. I'll be bringing my wife, youngest son, oldest daughter and her baby (maybe - depending on when the baby is born).

Well, that's about it for this update. I'm sure to have more boring stuff to post in the next few days. After I get some sleep...


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